Mayor of the Municipality
Municipal council
Information about the municipality
Services (Administration)
Organogram of internal organization of municipal administration
Urbanism Sector
Urban Plans
Sector for Legal Affairs and General Administrative Affairs
Budget and Finance Sector
Human Resources Management Unit
Internal Auditor
Realized projects
Realized projects 2011- 2017
Realized projects 2017-2021
Project “Cross-border fire protection” 2022-2024
Enterprise “Sharri”
Tourism and Attractions
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Internal Auditor performs these tasks:
Works on the basis of the Law on Public Internal Financial Control;
Perform internal reviews to improve the work of the institution;
Prepares the annual and strategic plan for the internal auditor;
Perform internal controls based on the foreseen plans;
It responds directly to the head of the subject-Municipality;
Submit annual report to the Ministry of Finance.