The Sector for Legal Affairs and General Administrative Affairs performs the following tasks:
Preparation of decisions and other general and special acts from the competence of the council and the mayor;
Preparation of council sessions and sessions of its commissions;
Perform professional and organizational work for council and mayor;
Provides opinions on the acts in terms of their legality, follows their provisions, amendments and additions;
Perform professional and organizational work for council and mayor;
Work to provide assistance and necessary legal interventions in the sectors and other units of the municipal administration.
Performing work related to informing citizens about the easier realization of their rights;
Organizational-administrative work for council and mayor;
It acts with the municipal documents and keeps them until their disappearance, respectively handing them over to the state archives of the Republic of Macedonia.
Prepare for civil protection, local communities, official work involving acceptance, opening, evidencing and submitting acts of municipal bodies, work on the driving park, other technical auxiliary works.