In the municipal primary school “Sabedin Bajrami” – Kamjan were held municipal competitions in football and volleyball, where participants were all elementary schools of the Municipality of Bogovinje.
First place: M.P.S. “Sabedin Bajrami”, Kamenjane.
Second place: M.P.S. “Sami Frasheri”, Pirok.
Third place: M.P.S. “Dervish Cara”, Lower Palçishte.
First place: M.P.S. “Abdyl Frashëri”, Bogovinje.
Second place: M.P.S. “Dervish Cara”, Lower Palçishte.
Third place: M.P.S. “Sabedin Bajrami”, Kamjan.
At the end, the mayor of the municipality, Mr. Albon Xhemaili awarded gratitude to the teachers and the schools for participation and he donated a football and volleyball ball for all participating schools.
In the municipal primary school “Sami Frashëri” – Pirok were realized the municipal competitions “Semaphore for the children 2019″, in which students were selected to represent the municipal team in the republican competitions. Also, gratitude was given to the teachers and students participating in these competitions.
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